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The Notes tab provides the ability to manage task notes.

Available operations:

  • Add notes to the task by clicking on the New Note button
  • View the notes associated with the task
    • Columns visible
      • Note – Contents of the note
      • Author – ReadyWorks user who authored the note
      • Date Created – Date the note was created
  • Delete notes by selecting a note (row) and clicking the Delete Note button on the toolbar
  • You can also change the number of visible rows in the table, set column visibility, export to CSV or Excel, refresh the table and search for text

New Task Note

From the Notes tab, you can create new notes. To create:

  1. Click the New Note button to bring up the New Task Note
  2. Enter the note text and click the Create button. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.

Delete Task Note

From the Notes tab, you can delete notes. To delete:

  1. Select a note (row) to delete. Only one note can be deleted at a time.
  2. Click the Delete Note button on the toolbar

    1. The delete button is only visible when Enable Delete has been checked under Settings Options (top right corner of the UI)

    2. The delete button is grayed out unless a note (row) is selected

    3. The delete function is only available to users in the Administrator and Regular User security groups
  3. Click the Reset button to confirm the reset operation. Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.