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Task Properties

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The Task Properties tab provides the ability to view and update the properties of tasks.


Available operations:

  • View the properties of the task
    • Fields available (read only)
      • Name – Name of the task
      • Task Type –Type of the task
      • Priority – Priority of the task
      • Description – Description of the task
      • Status – Status of the task (Not Started, In Progress, Overdue, Complete, Cancelled, Failed, On Hold)
      • Actions (% Done) – Total number of task actions complete divided by total number of task actions (also shown as a percentage)
      • Start Goal – Estimated start date and time of the task
      • End Goal – Estimated end date and time of the task
      • Start Actual – Actual start date and time of the task
      • End Actual – Actual end date and time of the task
      • Assigned To – ReadyWorks user the task is assigned to
      • Completed By – ReadyWorks user the task was completed by (empty until complete)
      • Wave – Wave the task is assigned to
      • Date Created – Date the task was created
      • Date Updated – Date the task was last updated
  • Update the properties of the task. Click the Change Properties button or hyperlink to enter edit mode. In edit mode, click the Update button to save any changes to the properties. Click the Cancel button to exit edit mode. A subset of properties is available for editing.
    • Fields available (editable unless otherwise noted)
      • Name – Name of the task
      • Task Type – Type of the task
      • Task Priority – Priority of the task
      • Description – Description of the task
      • Start Goal – Estimated start date and time of the task
      • End Goal – Estimated end date and time of the wave
      • Start Actual – Actual start date and time of the task (read only)
        NOTE:  Users in the Administrator security group can edit the start actual
      • End Actual – Actual end date and time of the wave (read only)
        NOTE:  Users in the Administrator security group can edit the end actual
      • Assigned To – ReadyWorks users the task is assigned to
      • Wave – Wave the task is assigned to (read only)
  • Start the task by clicking the Start button
  • Complete the task by clicking the Complete button
  • Cancel the task by clicking the Cancel button
  • Fail the task by clicking the Fail button
  • Pause the task by clicking the On Hold button
  • Reset the task by clicking the Reset button

Start Task

From the Task Properties tab, you can start the task. To start:

  1. Click the Start button

    1. The start button is visible for Not Started and Overdue task statuses
    2. The start function is only available to users in the Administrator, Regular User and Workflow User security groups
  2. Click the Start button to confirm the start operation. Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.

Complete Task

From the Task Properties tab, you can complete the task. To complete:

  1. Click the Complete button

    1. The complete button is visible for Not Started, In Progress and Overdue task statuses
    2. The complete function is only available to users in the Administrator, Regular User and Workflow User security groups
  2. Click the Complete button to confirm the complete operation. Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.

Cancel Task

From the Task Properties tab, you can cancel the task. To cancel:

  1. Click the Cancel button

    1. The cancel button is visible for tasks with the status of Not Started, In Progress or Overdue
    2. The cancel function is only available to users in the Administrator, Regular User and Workflow User security groups
  2. Click the Cancel Task button to confirm the cancel operation. Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.

Fail Task

From the Task Properties tab, you can fail the task. To fail:

  1. Click the Fail button

    1. The fail button is visible for tasks with the status of Not Started, In Progress or Overdue
    2. The fail function is only available to users in the Administrator, Regular User and Workflow User security groups
  2. Click the Fail button to confirm the fail operation. Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.

Pause Task

From the Task Properties tab, you can pause the task. To pause:

  1. Click the On Hold button

    1. The pause button is visible for tasks with the status of Not Started, In Progress, Overdue, Cancelled or Failed
    2. The pause function is only available to users in the Administrator, Regular User and Workflow User security groups
  2. Click the On Hold button to confirm the pause operation. Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.

Reset Task

From the Task Properties tab, you can reset the task. To reset:

  1. Click the Reset button

    1. The reset button is visible for tasks with the status of In Progress, Complete, Overdue, Cancelled, Failed or On Hold
    2. The reset function is only available to users in the Administrator security group
  2. Click the Reset button to confirm the reset operation. Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.