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Welcome Email

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The Welcome Email configuration tab provides the ability to configure the behavior of welcome emails when users are provisioned in the portal. Configuration options include enabling or disabling welcomes email and the welcome email send from email address, subject and body. The Welcome Email is sent to users when they are provisioned in the portal if configured.


From the Welcome Email configuration tab, you can configure the behavior of the welcome emails when users are provisioned in the portal. To configure:

    1. Choose if the Welcome Email is enabled or not from the Enabled radio button
    2. Enter the send from email address of welcome emails in the From Email Address text box
    3. Enter the subject of welcome emails in the Email Subject text box
    4. Enter the body of welcome emails in the Email Body text box
    5. Utilize placeholders in the email body to personalize welcome emails
      Placeholder Icon Variable Description
      Portal URL
      %[portal_url]% Unique URL for each portal user
      Full Name
      %[name]% Name field of the portal user
      First Name
      %[first_name]% First Name field of the portal user
    6. Click the Update button to save your changes. Navigate to another page to cancel your changes.
      NOTE: Each tab must be updated individually. Updating from a different tab without first updating the Welcome Email configuration tab will result in the loss of your changes.
    7. An example welcome email is shown below:
    8. The view of the Welcome Email configuration tab with the Enabled radio button set to No is shown below: