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Device Collections

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The SCCM Collections page provides a view into your device collections discovered by SCCM.

Available operations:


From the SCCM Asset dashboard, you can drilldown into your SCCM device collections to see additional details. To drilldown:

  1. Click the More info hyperlink on the Device Collections widget to drilldown. You will be redirected to the SCCM Collections page with the Filter Type set to Device.

View Device Collection

The View Collection page provides the ability to view the properties of a device collection and is accessed by clicking the hyperlink of the Collection Name field of a device collection.

Available operations:

  • View the properties of the collection
  • View the devices that are members of the collection

Collection Properties – View the properties of the collection

Collection Membership – View the devices that are members of the collection

An informational message is displayed if there are no members of the collection.

Add Devices to Collection

From the View Collection page, you can add devices to the collection. To add:

  1. Click the Add Devices to Collection button to bring up the Add Devices to Collection dialog
  2. Select devices from the Add Devices drop down to add to the collection (required) and then click the Add button. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.

Remove Device

From the View Collection page, you can remove devices from the collection. To remove:

  1. Select a device (row) to remove. Only one device can be removed at a time.
  2. Click the Remove Device button on the toolbar

    1. The remove button is grayed out unless a device (row) is selected

    2. The remove function is only available to users in the Administrator and Regular User security groups
  3. Click the Remove button to confirm the remove operation. Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.

Assign to Wave

From the View Collection page, you can assign all devices in the collection to a wave. To assign:

  1. Click the Assign to Wave button on the toolbar to bring up the Assign to Workflow Wave dialog
  2. Select waves from the Workflow Wave drop down to assign all devices in the collection to and then click the Assign Click the Close button to cancel the operation.

    1. The assign function is only available to users in the Administrator and Regular User security groups